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Aug. 23, 2023

Embracing Life's Seasons: Thriving as a Mother and Entrepreneur

Embracing Life's Seasons: Thriving as a Mother and Entrepreneur

#222 - Are you ready to embrace the changing seasons of your life as a mother and an entrepreneur? Buckle up as I take you through a journey of the distinct phases of life and business. Each season echoes our evolving roles and brings unique challenges and opportunities, but fear not, I've got insights and strategies to navigate these transitions with grace and strength.

Ever wondered how clarity can be your guiding light in the ever-chaotic landscape of life and business? Allow me to show you how. It's more than just a buzzword. It's your blueprint, your decision-maker, and your peace-bringer as you go through various seasons of your life. Listen in as we discuss the importance of clarity, embracing change, adapting, and thriving in every season. Let's embark on this growth journey together - a journey of clarity, harmony, and intentionality.

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Hey, my name is Teresa Hildebrand and this is Organized Chaos. We take a deep dive into living with intentionality, focusing on what's important in our lives so we can truly feel our best. It may feel chaotic at times, but with a little organization, the right mindset and a ton of self-love, we can still thrive. Join me as we talk to other busy moms and experts who will share tips and strategies to help you reach your goals. Hope you enjoy this episode of Organized Chaos. Now on to the show. Hey friends, welcome to this episode of Organized Chaos. I hope you're having an amazing day so far. Today we're going to be talking about seasons Seasons of our lives, the way that we can embrace change and really flourish as mom entrepreneurs. I wanted to record this episode now because since, at the time of this recording, we're transitioning out of summer and I want to highlight the importance of adapting to different phases and finding ways to really thrive amidst the change, because, even though we do this every single year, we're just in different seasons of our lives, we're in different seasons of our business. So my goal is to give you strategies and some insights to help you navigate these transitions effectively, so we don't fall into that hamster wheel of life and just feel calm and really end the year strong. So in this episode I want to highlight some of the parallels of the seasons of life and the stages of motherhood and entrepreneurship. Each season brings unique challenges and opportunities that make it just really important to adapt and to grow along with it. So let's talk about the different life and business changes. So life is much like changing seasons, right? And just as the weather shifts from spring to summer, then to fall and winter, our roles as mothers and entrepreneurs also evolved into distinct phases. So imagine each season as a mirror of the stages we come across on our journey of motherhood and entrepreneurship. So let's talk about the spring season. So this is like the seeding phase, and in this season you plant the seeds of your business dreams. Much like a mother-to-be would nurture her growing child, so just as spring brings the promise of new life and growth, this phase really represents the initial spark of an idea, a business plan and the anticipation of what's to come. So, just as a mother nourishes her body to create life, you nurture your idea and business with the passion and vision. So now summer is like the growth and expansion phase. So, as the days get longer and the temperatures go up. Your business and your family flourish like a mother caring for her growing child. You invest time, energy and some of the resources into your business, nurturing its development. So the hard work that you put in leads to a lot of growth, much like the way that plants thrive under the summer sun. This season represents scaling, networking and just taking your business to new heights. Now let's go into the fall season. Now this can be a tricky season because it's either you see it as opportunity or you see it as scary change. So this is the harvest and transition phase. So basically, just like trees, they shed their leaves in the fall. You may need to let go of certain aspects of your business to make room for new opportunities and in motherhood, kids may leave the nest for school or college. In entrepreneurship, you might reevaluate your strategies and kind of pivot to align with changing market trends or whatever is going on in your business. So this season is about harvesting the fruits of your labor, celebrating your successes and preparing for the next phase. So the next phase is winter, right, and it's the reflection and renewal phase. So winter brings sort of this quiet reflection and, you know, like bears hibernation, so this kind of offers a chance to recharge and evaluate. So, in both motherhood and entrepreneurship, winter is a time for reassessment and refining your goals and nurturing yourself. So, just as nature uses this time to kind of prepare for upcoming spring, you use this phase to realign your priorities and learn from challenges and emerge stronger and wiser. So what I just talked about was basically an analogy that the changing season symbolized the ever evolving nature of our roles as a mother and as a business owner. So embracing each season allows us to adapt and to grow and thrive and ultimately create a balance and fulfilling life that harmonizes both our personal and professional goals. So now that we understand that we actually go through these different seasons, I want to give you a strategy to kind of help you navigate during these transitions. Now I have several, but I want to start with this one. It's actually from the concept that I created, which is called the Chi method, and I'm not going to dive into all of that. I actually have an entire three month program that I walk women through in this. It's my one on one coaching program. But I do want to give you one strategy that will help you in the season and if you are interested in joining the actual program, I will link that in the show notes. So let's get back to the strategy Now. The Chi method stands for clarity, harmony and intentionality, and I start off with clarity because I feel like it's basically the guiding light through life seasons. So let's go back to the analogy. So let's start with spring, the seeding phase. So having clarity means that you know your values, you know your goals and you know your vision for the future. So clarity helps you set the right intentions and make aligned choices. So, just as a gardener, let's say, plans the layout of their garden, your clarity becomes the blueprint for your future. In the next phase growth and expansion clarity acts as the guiding light. It helps you stay focused on what really matters. So it enables you to prioritize task and investments that align with your goals. So with a clear vision, you can confidently delegate tasks and set boundaries and protect your energy, because energy is everything. Just like if you water your garden properly, your clarity really nourishes your growth. In the next phase of harvest and transition, clarity allows you to kind of discern which projects, relationships or strategies are worth continuing and might need to be pruned away. Clarity in this phase prevents overwhelm and this is really important. It ensures that you're channeling your efforts towards things that align with your purpose. So, just as like a farmer would select harvest that have the best crops, your clarity guides your decisions. Lastly, in the winter, or reflecting in renewal phase, clarity becomes a source of peace as you reflect on your accomplishments and your challenges. So it allows you to review your journey and identify some of those areas of growth and improvement. Clarity in this phase also helps you set intentions for the coming seasons and it enables you to kind of emerge from the winter with like a clear path forward. So, as you can tell, clarity becomes like a beacon that lights up your path in these ever-changing seasons of life and business, kind of provides that insight needed to make informed decisions, the focus to maintain your course and kind of the resilience to, like weather, any storm. This is why I chose this strategy to start off with in my program, because clarity, first and foremost, guides us through the twists and turns of motherhood and business, ensuring that we thrive in every season. So it's really important to embrace change and adapt to the ever-changing seasons. All right, well, I hope that was inspiring and I hope that this gives you some insight in how you can really flourish as a mom-pernover. Thank you so much for tuning in and I just want to let you know that I am cheering you on in your growth journey. And again, if you're interested in learning more about my program, I will link that up in the show notes. All right, that's all I have for you today. I hope you have an amazing rest of your day and I will see you next week.