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Aug. 30, 2023

Energize Your Day: Unveiling the Hype-Up Morning Routine

Energize Your Day: Unveiling the Hype-Up Morning Routine

#223 - What if you could transform your mornings from a chaotic scramble into an oasis of calm and productivity? Yes, you heard it right. It's time to reveal my secret weapon - the 'hype up morning routine' that's not just another generic day-starter, but a tailored regimen designed to supercharge your day with purpose, energy, and productivity. Discover how a consistent morning routine can greatly influence your mindset, productivity, and overall well-being.

From being a night owl juggling motherhood and entrepreneurship, I've curated a morning routine that's honed by personal experience and fortified by the elements of inspiration, reflection, planning, action, and fitness. If you've been feeling overwhelmed, defeated, or consistently out of time, this is your lifeline. It's a game changer that doesn't just help you survive your day, but truly thrive in it. 

So, are you ready to rewire your mornings, kick-start your day like never before, and conquer your productivity goals? This is your chance to create a morning routine that will hype you up for the day, every day. Don't just take my word for it, tune in and experience the transformation for yourself.

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Hey, my name is Teresa Hildebrand and this is Organized Chaos. We take a deep dive into living with intentionality, focusing on what's important in our lives so we can truly feel our best. It may feel chaotic at times, but with a little organization, the right mindset and a ton of self-love, we can still thrive. Join me as we talk to other busy moms and experts who will share tips and strategies to help you reach your goals. Hope you enjoy this episode of Organized Chaos. Now on to the show. Hey friends, welcome to another episode of Organized Chaos. I am so glad you're here and I'm super pumped for today's episode, because today we're going to be talking about morning routines, but not just any morning routine. I'm going to share with you what I call my hype up morning routine, so it can energize your day, set you up for success and help you get things done without feeling defeated at the end of the day. What I really want to share with you is what has transformed my mornings and enhanced my productivity throughout the day. First, I want to start off with why it's important to even have a morning routine. So there are so many benefits to having a routine, because it just sets up a positive tone for the day. It can influence your mindset, of course, your productivity and just your overall well-being. We all thrive on routines, so why not make it the best that you can? I'm going to share with you how I got started with a morning routine because, believe it or not, I am not a morning person and you don't have to be a morning person in order to have a morning routine. I've been a night owl most of my life, but because of work and kids and just me trying to figure out how to be healthier, I needed to set up a morning routine. Now, morning routines don't have to be three, four, five o'clock in the morning, now. A lot of people have different times. It's just having a routine that sets you up for the day. It's a set of things that you do that tackle some components that you're working on. So for me personally, my hype up morning routine consists of inspiration, reflection, planning, action and fitness. Now I'm going to go into all of those individually, but notice how I go from waking up with inspiration, reflecting on my life, planning my day or planning for goals, taking some type of action and then moving my body. So you're going to see how this has benefited me so much, and your morning routine doesn't really have to contain all of these things. However, I have found that for me personally, this has been the best and I've been able to maintain it for a long time. But I do have to say, for those mom entrepreneurs out there, this set of components for your morning routine is a game changer for you, because you're going to find out that you don't have enough time in the day. You feel like you don't have any direction when you sit down to work, or you don't have time to work out or just take care of yourself. So you're going to find that this hype up morning routine is going to fit your lifestyle so well. So I call my routine hype up because I have to hype myself up. I am not a morning person, like I said, so I have to do things to really hype up my mental state and my physical state. So I first started off with inspiration. So for me that's either reading a book or listening to a book, and not just any book, like an inspirational book or something specifically that I'm trying to learn. So I'm making sure I start the day off with positive and uplifting content. So currently I'm reading we All Should Be Millionaires by Rachel Rogers. Now, I really like this book. So far I'm only in chapter four, but it's just something that gets you thinking and feels motivational, because when you hear other people's stories of their past failures but now they're succeeding and they're sharing what they did, like I always say, success leaves clues. So when you're reading these books and you're kind of learning on some of the steps that you can take and some of the mindset that you can apply in order to reach your goals, like that's just a really great way to start off the day. The next step is all about reflection. So for this I say journaling and practicing gratitude. Now I have my planner and that has sections for me to plan out my day and everything, but there's also a place where I can write down three things I'm grateful for, and even a place where I can journal and just you know, free form write anything that I want, anything that's on my mind. This is such a great habit to get into because you're focusing on your mindset and your self-awareness and once a week I will go back and look at the week and see what went well, so that I'm focusing on my wins and then I also see what I can change to improve the following week. This habit really helps you stay grounded. We can get really caught up on the day-to-day hustle that we don't take time to actually sit down and think of all the great things that are happening. Now let's move on to planning. So this is where I review my goals and I plan out my day. Again, this is in my journal, so I can do it kind of all at once and this way I'm making sure that the things that I'm doing align with my goals and I have more clarity. For my day I have 90-day goals, but then I also have daily goals. So if there's something specific that I want to get done and usually it's just one thing I will write that down as one of my goals. Then I do some time blocking, where I write down the things that I'm going to be doing specifically, so when I'm going to be working out, when I'm going to be taking the kids to school, you know when I'm going to take a shower, when I'm going to eat, when I'm going to work. So this helps me so much because I know exactly what it is that I need to do and I don't waste time. But I also make sure that I take breaks. So even that is on my calendar. Next is action. So I call this my power hour of work, because this is when the house is completely quiet. I have almost zero interruptions. So why not get something done as far as work, as far as the business? Later on I will set some time aside of like a bigger chunk of time that I can do some focus work. But this one hour in the morning, man, it just feels great to be able to just check something off so early in the morning, and sometimes it's not even like a really big project, it's just something that I can do, that nobody's going to bother me. Nobody's going to bother me at that time. So I can actually just sit down and just feel productive. And I call it action because it's usually something that's in my 20%. So, based on the 80-20 rule, that 20%, the high value items, the high value tasks I make sure that this is some of the time that I use to focus on those. So this one's pretty simple, it's fitness and this is a time that I work out. I have to work out at this time and it's not because it's like a chore, it's because, first off, I'm able to do it without interruptions. But also it gets me hyped up physically. So I am physically capable of taking on the day. I am mentally stable to get the kids up when they don't want to get up, right. So I don't lose my crap and it's just a way for me to get my body moving, get my blood flowing and I just feel good after I do it. So it's non-negotiable for me and I don't do it every single day. Let me emphasize that I don't do it every single day. I do it five to six days a week, depending on what program I'm doing. But even if I don't have a scheduled workout, I still do something. I will stretch, I will do some foam rolling or even some meditation, and it's just something to really help me with my energy levels and just my overall health. Okay, so now it's your turn to figure out what your hype up morning routine is going to be. Take some of these components and apply them. You don't have to apply all of them, just pick one. Pick one that you can do and do it consistently. And once you have that down as a habit, then implement something else so you can gradually set up the morning routine that's going to work best for you. All right, so just to recap. So the hype of morning routine that I have personally has five components. One is inspiration, so that is reading a good book or listening to a good book. Reflection, and that is journaling and practicing gratitude. Then there's planning, so this is reviewing your goals and planning out your day. And then the next thing is action, which is the power hour work session. And then there's fitness, just moving your body. So, like I said, experiment with this, try out one habit and then add on another once your other habit is consistent, and start tracking your results and see how you feel. And if you already have a hype of morning routine that's different than this one, I'd love to hear it, because I always want to share with my listeners other options. If you follow me on Instagram, just go ahead and send me a DM. If you don't follow me, my handle is at Teresa Hildebrand, underscore coaching, and I will share that in the show notes. Thanks so much for listening and tune in to the next episode. I hope you have an amazing day and I'll see you next week.