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Oct. 16, 2024

How to Manage a Growing Business and Family (Without Losing Your Mind)

How to Manage a Growing Business and Family (Without Losing Your Mind)

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#293 - Master the art of balancing work and family life without the dreaded burnout. Join me on this episode of Organized Chaos as I discuss the  strategies for managing the dual demands of business and family. Say goodbye to the "super mom" myth and discover practical approaches like intentional time management, prioritization, and the power of time blocking. Each technique is designed to help you focus on high-impact tasks, ensuring you remain truly present in every moment, whether at home or in the office.

Step into a world where achieving work-life balance is not just a dream but a tangible reality. I share invaluable insights on setting boundaries and task batching to enhance efficiency and maintain your sanity. Learn how adopting the right systems and mindset can transform your life. Plus, don't miss out on my free "Getting Focused" workbook, a tool crafted to provide help in your balancing act. Connect with our supportive community by sharing your progress on social media and tagging me on Instagram @teresahildebrand_coaching. Tune in and start your journey towards thriving in both your personal and professional life.

If you love listening to this podcast, please consider leaving a rating & review in Apple Podcasts. On iTunes, go to the show and scroll to the bottom underneath Ratings & Reviews and click on Write a Review. Thanks for listening and tune in to our next episode!

Connect with Teresa on: Instagram or Podcast Website


00:00 - Balancing Business and Family

09:02 - Achieving Work-Life Balance


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All right.

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So let's be real.

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Managing a business and a family without losing your sanity sounds like a tall order, right?

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But guess what?

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It's absolutely possible.

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You don't have to constantly feel like you're drowning in responsibilities or torn between your business and your family.

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In this episode, we're going to dive into some real strategies and mindset shifts that can help you thrive in both without the overwhelm.

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Whether you're a mom entrepreneur that feels stretched too thin or you're just looking for some inspiration to find more balance, this episode is for you.

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Hey, my name is Teresa Hildebrand and this is Organized Chaos.

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We take a deep dive into living with intentionality, focusing on what's important in our lives so we can truly feel our best.

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It may feel chaotic at times, but with a little organization, the right mindset and a ton of self-love, we can still thrive.

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Join me as we talk to other busy moms and experts who will share tips and strategies to help you reach your goals.

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Hope you enjoy this episode of Organized Chaos.

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Now on to the show.

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All right, welcome everyone to another episode of Organized Chaos.

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So I want to start off with a question.

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Have you ever felt like, no matter how hard you try, there's just never enough of you to go around Like the more your business grows, the less time you have for your family and let's not even talk about self-care.

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I know, I get it, I've been there.

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But what if I told you it's possible to balance both and keep your sanity intact?

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So I have gone over this with many of my recent clients.

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It just seems like they are stretching themselves way too thin and they hit a point where they just feel like it's not even worth growing a business.

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But I want to tell you that there is a way to manage both a growing business and a family and it's really simple.

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It's not easy, but it's simple.

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It's about being intentional with your time, setting clear priorities and letting go of the need to do it all.

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I remember when I was working a full-time career and we had just started a business and at that time our kids were, I think, one and two or two and three, so they were toddlers and I felt, aside from the business, like that was just like another layer of complexity.

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Right, but just being a working mom was super hard, super hard, and I remember my husband and I talking about like growing this business and everything, and it just seemed like I didn't want to have much involvement in it because I didn't feel like I had enough time.

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But you know we started to work through it and everything, and you know it's obviously changed our lives, but at the moment I just felt like it was too much.

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It did literally feel like I was drowning in responsibilities.

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I just felt like it was too much.

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It did literally feel like I was drowning in responsibilities.

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What I discovered was that there are certain tools and techniques that really made a difference in helping me feel a little bit more at peace.

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So first I want to go into the mindset shift.

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I really had to let go of the super mom myth.

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So let's get this out of the way.

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Trying to be a super mom is the fast track to burnout.

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Society loves to tell us that we should be able to handle it all without breaking a sweat, but that's a complete lie.

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You don't have to do everything to be a great mom or a successful business owner.

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Instead of trying to do everything for your family and your business, focus on the tasks and moments that have the highest impact.

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So, for example, it's not about being present at every practice or PTA meeting or work event.

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It's about showing up intentionally when you're there, whether it's with your family or in your business.

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For me, it's about the quality time, whether it's 30 minute uninterrupted family dinner or a well-planned out two hour business sprint, which is really right now, because nobody's home, it's quiet and I am trying to get some of the like really important things like recording this podcast done.

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So, really, the shift is about redefining success in both areas.

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What does success in motherhood look like for you?

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What does success in business look like for you?

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Once you have those clear definitions, you'll see that you don't need to do it all.

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You just need to do what matters most.

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Now let's go into some time management and prioritization.

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Time is our most valuable asset, so let's make it work for us.

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I'm obsessed with time blocking.

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It's how I make sure both my business and my family get the attention they deserve.

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I block out specific times for each.

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When I'm with family, my phone's away, and when I'm working, I'm fully focused on my business.

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So here's a tip Set clear time blocks in your calendar for work, family time and self-care.

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Even small time blocks for you make a big difference.

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On Sundays, those are my planning days.

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I plan the week ahead and I make sure I know what my priorities are for each day.

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So Monday might be packed with business tasks, like it is today.

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Today's a Monday, but Wednesday it's date day.

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So I spend time with my husband and that's my focus.

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But the key is, whatever I'm doing, I'm all in on that.

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Another thing you can do is batching.

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Instead of hopping between tasks all day, group them together Emails, content creation, admin work batch them.

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This saves you time, reduces overwhelm and allows you to be more present when it's family time.

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And don't forget to make those small windows work for you.

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I know a lot of you might not have a huge chunk of uninterrupted time, and that's okay.

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You'd be surprised at what you can do in 15 minutes if you're really focused.

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You'd be surprised at what you can do in 15 minutes if you're really focused.

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Use those windows of time to knock out high priority tasks.

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All right, now let's move into boundaries.

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I know we love our families right, we love them so much.

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But let's face it if we don't set boundaries, we end up feeling guilty for not being present enough.

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Communicate with your family about your work hours and your family hours.

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It's okay to say mommy needs to work right now, but at 5 pm.

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I'm all yours.

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And here's a tip create visual cues like closing your door, or even using a fun mom's working sign.

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My kids know that when the door is closed I'm in business mode, but also have boundaries with your clients and your team.

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Let them know what your working hours are and when you're available.

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This sets expectations and allows you to truly disconnect when it's family time.

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Plus, it trains people to respect your time All right.

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Now I want to move into asking for help, because, remember, I said you need to let go of the supermom cape.

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You're amazing, right, but you don't have to do everything yourself.

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Asking for help doesn't make you any less capable.

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In fact, it makes you smarter, whether it's asking for help at home or in your business, remember, it's okay to let go of the reins sometimes I've outsourced cleaning.

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It's okay to let go of the rain sometimes I've outsourced cleaning and in my business I've outsourced some of the tasks that just drain my energy.

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There are some things in my business I do not like doing, so I give it to somebody else.

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Do what you can to get support.

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It's truly worth it.

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And here's a tip Think about the things that drain your energy the most, then ask yourself who can help me with this, and don't be afraid to build your village, whether it's a mastermind group, a group of close friends or even a VA.

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Lean on others.

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You don't have to do it alone.

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So now let's manage expectations and practice self-compassion.

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Look, we're all humans.

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Some days we'll go according to plan and some days we'll just feel like a hot mess express, and that's okay.

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Be kind to yourself.

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You're doing the best you can and that's enough.

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And perfection isn't the goal here.

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Trying to be perfect all the time is a surefire way to burn out.

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Remember that small, intentional moments matter more than perfection, and also celebrate small wins At the end of each day.

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Celebrate your wins.

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Maybe you crushed a client call, or maybe you managed to get in 15 minutes of quality time with your kid.

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That's a win.

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Write it down and let yourself be proud.

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Okay, so let's sum this up.

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Number one let go of the super mom myth and focus on quality over quantity.

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Number two time block your day and be intentional with your priorities.

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Number three set boundaries with both your family and your business.

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And number four don't be afraid to ask for help.

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Now here's a tip.

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This week, I want you to try time blocking or set a boundary where you need it most, whether it's at home or in business.

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Take one step toward balance.

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Remember you're not alone in this.

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We all have those moments where we feel like we're juggling a million things.

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But with the right systems and mindset, you can manage a growing business and a busy family, and you can do it all without losing your mind.

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If you're ready to dive deeper into balancing family and business, head over to the link in the show notes for my free getting focused workbook to help you get started on your journey for more intentional and productive days.

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And I'd love to hear from you what's one area where you're setting boundaries this week.

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Share them with me on social media and tag me on Instagram.

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I'm at Teresa Hildebrand, underscore coaching.

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All right, thank you so much for listening and tune into the next episode.

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Take care.