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Sept. 18, 2024

How to Reset and Refocus to Reclaim Your Routine After Summer

How to Reset and Refocus to Reclaim Your Routine After Summer

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#289 - Do you ever feel like you're drowning in chaos as summer comes to an end? Learn how to reset and refocus effortlessly with my game-changing strategies! Join me on this episode of Organized Chaos as we explore practical tips to transition smoothly into a structured routine. From creating a simple weekly schedule to mastering a morning reset routine, I'll guide you through prioritizing tasks and incorporating mindfulness practices. Together, we’ll ensure that you navigate this shift with grace and intention.

In the second part of the episode, we dive into creating effective family and business routines that are both sustainable and manageable. Discover how starting small and staying consistent can revolutionize your daily life. I’ll share the significance of weekly family meetings, the art of delegating responsibilities, and the magic of scheduling dedicated family time. Embrace flexibility and adjust as needed, all while keeping clarity, harmony, and intentionality at the heart of your routines. Let’s embark on this journey together and transform your post-summer chaos into organized bliss!

If you love listening to this podcast, please consider leaving a rating & review in Apple Podcasts. On iTunes, go to the show and scroll to the bottom underneath Ratings & Reviews and click on Write a Review. Thanks for listening and tune in to our next episode!

Connect with Teresa on: Instagram or Podcast Website


00:09 - Resetting and Refocusing After Summer Break

07:45 - Creating Effective Family and Business Routines


00:00:09.051 --> 00:00:12.215
Hey, my name is Teresa Hildebrand and this is Organized Chaos.

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We take a deep dive into living with intentionality, focusing on what's important in our lives so we can truly feel our best.

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It may feel chaotic at times, but with a little organization, the right mindset and a ton of self-love, we can still thrive.

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Join me as we talk to other busy moms and experts who will share tips and strategies to help you reach your goals.

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Hope you enjoy this episode of Organized Chaos.

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Now on to the show.

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Hey friends, welcome back to another episode of Organized Chaos, and today we're diving into a topic that's on a lot of our minds right now.

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It's how to reset and refocus after the summer break.

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If you've been feeling a little all over the place as the kids get back to school and you're trying to juggle getting back into your business routine, then you're not alone.

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Summer has this magical way of throwing us off our schedules in the best way, of course, but now it's time to hit, reset and find a flow that works for you and your family.

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So, if you're ready to stop feeling overwhelmed and start reclaiming your days, stick with me for the next 10 minutes as we break down some practical strategies to help you ease back into your structured routine without the stress.

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All right, let's get started.

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So the first thing I want to say is give yourself grace.

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The transition from summer fun to school and business life can be a bit of a shock to the system and it's easy to feel like you should be back on track right away.

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But that's just not how it works.

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You're adjusting, your kids are adjusting, and it's normal for things to feel a little off at first.

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So if you found yourself thinking why am I not as productive as I was before summer, take a deep breath.

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Remind yourself that getting back into a routine takes time, and let's make this transition smoother by being kind to ourselves first and taking it step by step.

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Now let's talk about the first practical strategy, and that's creating a simple weekly schedule.

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Now notice I said simple.

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We're not going to try and tackle everything all at once and you're not going to get back into a routine, especially after a break.

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The goal is to ease into it.

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So grab a piece of paper or open up your calendar app and let's break down the basics.

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So here's what I want you to do.

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List your non-negotiables first.

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So these are the things that are essential, like school drop-offs, business meetings or specific work deadlines.

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Put those on your schedule before anything else.

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Then choose three focus areas per day.

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So each day, pick three tasks or goals you want to accomplish.

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This could be family oriented, like meal prep, or business related, like sending follow up emails.

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Keeping it to three helps you focus on what matters most and avoid feeling overwhelmed.

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And the next thing is block out time for self care.

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Now, whether it's 15 minutes for meditation, a workout or just sitting quietly with your coffee, build in that time for yourself.

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It's not a luxury, it's a necessity for maintaining balance in both your family and business life.

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And by keeping your weekly schedule simple, you'll avoid the feeling of overpacking your days and create a space for a more intentional flow.

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All right, the next thing is I want you to implement a morning reset.

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I really try to emphasize this is like having that morning routine, hype up routine or something that lets you start off the day the best that you can.

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So I want to share a technique that has really helped me reset my day and start fresh.

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The idea here is to create a morning routine that sets the tone for the entire day.

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Now this doesn't have to be long drawn out process.

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We're all busy and sometimes we only have 10-15 minutes to ourselves, but the point is to create a sense of calm and intention for the day ahead.

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So here's how I want you to approach it.

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Start with a five minute brain dump.

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So sit down with a journal or a piece of paper and write out everything that's on your mind, from to-dos to just random thoughts.

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This clears the mental clutter and helps you focus.

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Number two is pick one priority for the day.

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After you brain dump, decide on one thing that you want to prioritize for that day.

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This could be a personal goal or a business-related goal.

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And number three is practice a quick mindfulness routine.

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So, whether it's deep breathing or a short meditation or a gratitude exercise, take a moment to center yourself before diving into the day, and doing this consistently will help you feel more grounded and less reactive as you navigate the busyness of family and work.

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All right, the next thing I want to talk about is how to integrate family into your routine.

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So I want to shift gears a little bit for a second and talk about, like, how you can do that.

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This is super important because, as busy moms, our schedules often affect everyone around us and vice versa.

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And one strategy that can really help is to involve your kids and your partner, if that applies in the planning process.

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So here's how Set up a weekly family meeting so, on Sunday evenings, for example, sit down together and talk about the week ahead.

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This way, everyone knows what to expect and you can coordinate schedules, especially around things like afterschool activities and family time.

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Then assign responsibilities.

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Now, this is a tricky one because, as moms, we usually like to control a lot of different aspects of our lives.

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But this is the delegation piece.

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So don't try to do everything yourself.

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Delegate age-appropriate tasks to your kids, like packing their lunches or helping with simple chores.

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This not only lightens your load, but it teaches them responsibility, all right.

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The next thing is schedule family time.

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So, just like you block out time for work, block out time for family fun, whether it's a movie night or a quick walk after dinner.

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This has really, really helped us.

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Having that dedicated time helps maintain balance.

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So when you bring your family into the routine building process, it helps things run more smoothly and it takes some of the pressure off of you.

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So this can be a process, but it's something that, once it's a routine, it is golden.

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All right.

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So the next thing is I want you to commit to the process.

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Routines don't fall into place overnight and they really don't start off perfectly all the time.

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Life happens and some days will feel chaotic, no matter how well we plan.

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But if you stay consistent with some of the basics a simple weekly schedule, a morning reset and involving your family you'll start to see things shift over time.

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So when things feel tough, remind yourself that it's okay to adjust.

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It's okay to take breaks.

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Just keep showing up and tweaking your routine as you go.

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The key here is to keep going and give yourself permission to make changes when you need to.

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All right, now, if this episode has resonated with you and you're ready to dive deeper into creating routines that actually work for your family and your business life, I'd love to take the next step with you.

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So if you want to chat about how you can work with me, I'll leave a link to a form that I have that you can fill out and we can schedule a time to chat.

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All right, thanks so much for tuning in today.

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Remember, easing back into a routine after summer doesn't have to be overwhelming.

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Just start small, stay consistent and watch how things begin to fall into place.

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I'll be cheering you on every step of the way, all right until next time.

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I wish you a week of clarity, harmony and intentionality.

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Take care.