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Nov. 19, 2023

Microcast - Practical Strategies for Mental Energy Boost

Microcast - Practical Strategies for Mental Energy Boost

#234 - Let’s be honest, we've all faced that moment when we're sitting in front of our computer or in a crowd, and we just start to feel exhausted, mentally. I get that, and I'm sharing our practical tips on how to combat it, starting with identifying those draining moments, and then stepping away.

But, I don't just tell you to take a break. I'm going a step further and sharing some effective strategies to manage energy drain and recharge. So tune in, as I share insights that have helped me better manage our mental energy.

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Speaker 1:

Feeling like you need a little motivation or a quick tip to get you going. Each week, in between full episodes, I will share short clips on a certain topic. This is a great way to get inspired for the day. Enjoy this quick burst of motivation. How do you protect your mental energy? We always try to do things that will help us with our physical energy, but sometimes there are things that happen that drain our mental energy. So these are some of the tips that I'm going to give you that really help me just protect my energy before it gets drained. So, number one I try to be mindful of when I start to feel drained. If I'm maybe sitting in front of the computer, or maybe I'm just I'm with other people and I start to feel that, because I'm an introvert, I start to feel that drain. I'm just mindful of it and I start to understand that, okay, maybe I need to step away. And that leads me to tip. Number two is take breaks and you can either go for a walk, do some meditation, just do something relaxing. So it's you're not taxing your mind so much, and this is really about like putting your phone down or stepping away from the computer, especially the phone. I always feel like that really, really drains me. So I take notice and just put it away, go out into nature. That really really helps me. The next tip is to write down what's on your mind. Sometimes we have so many things going on in our brain that we just need to put it down on paper or we just need to say them out loud and then we'll feel like this sense of relief. But even before it gets to that, just write things down before you start to feel that overwhelm and you get a cluttered mind. And my last tip is to create a habit of starting. My next tip is to create a habit of starting your day focusing on your mental energy. So even before the day begins, you want to prep your mind and so that way you're equipped with dealing with all the stressors from the day. So that could be journaling, that could be just sitting in silence whatever that is for you. I think that is the best way to start the day.