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Feb. 21, 2024

Redefining Your Money Mindset

Redefining Your Money Mindset

#259 - Have you ever felt like your financial fears are echoes of the past and it's keeping you from making strides? On today’s episode of Organized Chaos, I talk about the layers of our complex relationship with money, inspired by my own journey from a childhood shadowed by scarcity to redefining my financial narrative.

The way you think about money will determine how much of it you have. Join me as we navigate through the mental barricades that curb our financial growth.

Mentioned in the episode:
Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker
You Are A Badass At Making Money by Jen Sincero
Think And Grow Rich by Napolean Hill

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Speaker 1:

Hey, my name is Teresa Hildebrand and this is Organized Chaos. We take a deep dive into living with intentionality, focusing on what's important in our lives so we can truly feel our best. It may feel chaotic at times, but with a little organization, the right mindset and a ton of self-love, we can still thrive. Join me as we talk to other busy moms and experts who will share tips and strategies to help you reach your goals. Hope you enjoy this episode of Organized Chaos. Now on to the show. Hey, everyone, welcome back to another episode of Organized Chaos and, if you're new here, thank you for joining us. I hope you enjoy this show. So today's show is about money. So I wanted to talk about this because I know that I have had a big struggle with certain thoughts in my mind about money and how that's created situations in my life that I don't like, and I've slowly learned to kind of reprogram my mind around the issue of money. And I wanted to talk about this now because we all have goals at the beginning of the year and a lot of the goals that we do sometimes are health related, but sometimes they revolve around money. So I wanted to talk about some of the mind blocks that you may be experiencing that are keeping you from seeing progress in the area of finance. So first I want to take you back to where I feel like my mind blocks around money originated from, and that's from, my childhood. So as a kid I had a pretty great childhood. It wasn't until about my I guess preteen years that I started to see that my parents were having some issues in their marriage and that began kind of like this, maybe like five or six year struggle, where they separated and then eventually got divorced. So this is during the time when it's really critical for kids to really feel safe and you know you're going through puberty and you're going through all these different emotions as a teenager. And then your parents are having major issues and it was really messy. So, because my parents were separated and eventually divorced, my mom really became a single parent. So we had money issues. She was a stay at home mom and money was an issue. There wasn't much of it and we relied on other relatives. I mean, at one point we were living in a converted garage. So you know that started, I think, my thoughts around money and how it was very scarce, and I remember my mom always telling me and you know, keep in mind that this is based off of her experience and her thoughts. So what she told me was go to school, please, please, don't drop out of school. Get a good job, be independent, because you don't want to rely on a man for your finances or to be happy. Now, there's some good advice in there about being independent. However, the thought around it was that, hey, I had a really big struggle because your dad left me and we were kind of left in a financial mess and I don't want you to end up like that, because that's what's gonna happen if you don't make sure that you're an independent woman. So this has carried on into my adulthood. So where I saw this pop up later was when I left my full-time job to be a stay-at-home mom or work-at-home mom, and there was this satisfaction, when I was working full-time, of knowing that I was making my own money and I was contributing to the family income. So when I left my full-time job and I wasn't contributing to the family income as much as I wanted to, there was this fear of not being able to, or maybe foreseeing something similar to my mom, if that makes sense. So the thoughts that my mom had. She kind of passed on to me and then they were subconsciously affecting me when I was home. So there was a lot of things revolving around saving money and just having kind of like this unhealthy thought pattern around money. Now I've gotten a lot better, but it takes time because, remember, these are things that are ingrained in your mind, that just become part of your programming, so you have to first become aware of them and then, second, make an effort to change them. So why am I talking about this? Well, first off, I mean, if you do have some of these mind blocks around money, they can affect a lot of different areas of your life and if, let's say, you're starting a business, this can be very detrimental to your progress in your business, starting a business or even making money. So I wanna share some of these mind blocks so that you can see whether or not you think this way and what you can do to start making changes. And I'll also recommend some books that were really good at kind of explaining this a little bit deeper and how you can actually start to take action against that and make some progress. Because if you become aware of this and don't make any changes. I mean, you're going to basically manifest all of this stuff and money's always going to be an issue, and if you don't want it to be an issue, then this is definitely something that you should take note of. All right, so the first mind block is if you think people who are wealthy or well off must have done something shady. So I actually recently heard somebody say this out loud and even though they know logically that that's not the case, they still have that thought in the back of their mind and it's keeping them from actually pursuing opportunities because they don't want to be that shady person. So if you think you know, you see someone who is wealthy, or you see, you know someone that is creating a lot of income, you may be thinking, hmm, what did they do to get that? You know it must have been something bad that they did. They must be doing something shady on the side. Okay. The other mind block is you feel spending money on yourself is selfish. Now, I'm still working on this because I mean, even some of these thoughts are like ridiculous, because I will go to the store and let's say there's something that's like super cheap I mean a dollar or like five dollars and then I will have to think twice about getting it for myself, because I'm thinking, well, I could use this money to buy my kids something. I mean, it's so it even saying it out loud sounds ridiculous, but it's something that happens and I don't even realize it sometimes. And who knows, this may be from my childhood as well, because I don't remember my mom buying stuff for herself. A lot of the stuff that she would get was for me. Now the last mind block is there's not enough money, so you have to hoard it. So there's kind of like this extreme frugalness involved, and you know, one thing is to be frugal and another is to just be scared about losing money and you just don't want to spend it, or you just think that, you know, saving money is the most important above all. And this is all based on fear, and what I've realized is that in doing all of this, or in thinking this way, money has avoided me. So I had to change my perspective on all of this and it had to be something that, like I said, you know, you had to reprogram your mind to be able to think about money in a different way. So really I had to change my perspective on it and use these mind blocks to my advantage, in other words, flip my thinking about it. So let's say mind block number one you think people that are wealthy or well off are doing something shady. Well, flipping that, I would say, is well, let me learn from these people. First, I need to get rid of the thought that they're doing something shady and think about how success leaves clues. So maybe I can learn from these people. Maybe they're just really good at managing their money. So learning from them, rather than thinking that they're doing something wrong, will benefit me so much more. And for mind block number two feeling selfish about spending money on yourself. I think that logically, I can say that I would never spend so much money that it would affect my kids. So if I go to the store and I want to buy something, if I'm managing my money well, why not? If I have the money to spend, why not? It's not being selfish, like, of course, my kids have what they need. They always have what they need. So logically, it doesn't make sense to me. So I need to start thinking this way instead. And then the third mind block that there's not enough money, so I have to hoard it. I can say I can manage my money wisely, so there's money to spend, but I'm saving and investing at the same time, and I can do both. So this is really about managing my money well, so that I don't feel like I'm gonna lose my money or there's just not enough of it. So how many of those mind blocks do you guys have, like really think about it, because sometimes it could be just a little different and there are just thoughts that you have about money that are very much related to these mind blocks. There's probably tons of them, but it's just knowing that there are certain thoughts that you have about money. They're just keeping you from seeing progress around this area of your life. So there are a few books that I recommend on this topic. One of them is Secrets of a Millionaire Mind by T Harve Ecker, and this one was recommended to me a few years ago and I read it and I loved it. It was really good. The other one is you Are a Badass at Making Money. So there's you Are a Badass by Jensen Chero, and that's about confidence. Then she wrote a book you Are a Badass at Making Money and such a good book. I really recommend the audio as well, because she's hilarious. The other one is Thinking Grow Rich, so that one basically says it all about what I talked about in this episode. So any of those books are great and I would recommend them All right, so that's all I have for you today. I hope you have an amazing rest of your day and I will see you next week. Shuishi Murak lusts.