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June 5, 2024

Replay | How Habits Shape Your Life

Replay | How Habits Shape Your Life

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#274 - The things you do consistently over time is ultimately what shapes your life. In this re-released episode, I share how the simple yet powerful act of forming habits can shape your life and drive your success. I go over the science behind motivation, discipline, and repetition, and discuss why letting go of old habits is a challenge. 

Feel stuck in a rut or aiming for a life transformation? Let's start small and watch the ripple effect of positive changes.  Join me, and let's craft the life you deserve, one habit at a time.

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00:09 - Creating Habits for Success

09:05 - Creating Positive Habits Through Environment


00:00:09.012 --> 00:00:12.195
Hey, my name is Teresa Hildebrand and this is Organized Chaos.

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We take a deep dive into living with intentionality, focusing on what's important in our lives so we can truly feel our best.

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It may feel chaotic at times, but with a little organization, the right mindset and a ton of self-love, we can still thrive.

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Join me as we talk to other busy moms and experts who will share tips and strategies to help you reach your goals.

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Hope you enjoy this episode of Organized Chaos.

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Now on to the show.

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Hey everyone, welcome back to another episode.

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I am excited to be here with you today.

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I know I say that every time, but I really do mean it.

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I'm excited because I hope you get to hear like a new perspective or learn something new that you can take into your life and apply it.

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And that makes me excited because I know a lot of the things that I teach or I talk about.

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It's because I've gone through them, I have experienced them and they've completely changed my life.

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That being said, I'm talking about habits today, because habits have been kind of like that invisible element of us having success in our life, and I'm going to talk to you today about how habits shape your life.

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All right.

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So let's first talk about what habits are.

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So habits are repetitive actions that you take.

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Now this is kind of like the ultimate step, Because habits come from those small steps that you take that eventually become habits.

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But first there's a couple levels that you have to go through and the simplest way that I have learned this is that it first starts off with the motivation to take an action, right?

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So let's say, for example, waking up early and you want to stop hitting the snooze button, so you want to get in the habit of just getting up when the alarm goes off.

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So first there's that motivation, right, there has to be something that makes you want to actually take that action.

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And then what happens is you have to keep doing it right.

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You have to keep, you know, getting up in the morning without hitting the snooze button.

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So that takes discipline.

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And when you start to get discipline and taking those actions every single day for a certain period of time and this is different for everybody, right?

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But after you take all those steps and create that discipline, those start to become habits, because it switches over to your basically subconscious mind and it becomes something that you don't even have to think about.

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So because now it's in your subconscious mind and you don't have to think about it.

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It's a lot easier to do it because it doesn't take so much energy to do it.

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You don't have to convince yourself that you have to get up in the morning.

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You don't start telling yourself stories or giving excuses to yourself for why you should hit this news button.

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It just happens now, so you can do this in so many different areas of your life.

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I mean, you've been doing this since you were a kid.

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You got into the habit of brushing your teeth every day.

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Our lives are a series of habits.

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I mean, just think about it.

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Like everything that we do is habits, whether they're good or not so good.

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And this is the reason why creating better habits is so important.

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But why is it so hard to create new habits?

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Well, it's for the same reason why some people can create new habits and stick to them and they basically create their new identity.

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And that's basically why it's so hard, because we have created habits for ourselves up until this point, and maybe those habits are habits that aren't serving you now and you want to change them.

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But they didn't just happen overnight.

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They happened over time.

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You had to do those things over and over and over again, which is a form of discipline, right, but now you kind of have to start over again with a new habit, but with the same concepts and principles.

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Now let me share with you one thing that's going to help you maintain the habits and which will eventually shape your life.

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So the one thing that has been super important in creating new habits is your environment.

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So you have to have an environment that's going to support your new habits, because you're still going to be in the disciplined phase that I mentioned before, and this is where you're taking conscious actions, because you haven't gotten into the habit yet.

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So you have to have an environment that's going to remind you that you have to take these conscious actions.

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I remember when I was trying to get into the habit of bringing my food from home to work, so that I wouldn't have to go out to eat, because there were plenty of restaurants around where I used to work and everybody was in the habit of going out to a restaurant or just grabbing a bite to eat and bringing it back, but it was always fast food.

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So I wanted to get into the habit of meal prepping and planning and then bringing in pretty much everything that I needed to eat for my long work days.

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So it was snacks, it was a lunch, sometimes it was a breakfast.

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So because I was in the environment where a lot of people I mean they would socialize when it was lunchtime, so I had to get into the habit of finding other people that were basically trying to create the same habits I was.

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So I found a group of people who were also bringing in their lunch and we would kind of get together and do that.

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And because I did that, that environment helped me to stick to my new habits.

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And I always talk about health and fitness because this is really what kicked my habits into overdrive.

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This is where I started my health journey was really where I flipped the switch.

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So another example I have is our garage basically became our gym.

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So because it was in our house, it was a lot easier to be able to, you know, go downstairs and work out.

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Now it kind of evolved over time.

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You know, first we just had like a set of dumbbells or whatever, but then it just kind of we created this space.

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That was something that we saw every day, so it was a constant reminder.

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But we also made it like comfortable enough where we felt good about going in there and working out.

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It wasn't like this stuffy old place, it was like a really nice.

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It had like a flooring that was good for jumping and we had a TV so we could stream our workouts.

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We had dumbbells, we had all kinds of things, so we really made it kind of like our oasis, but it helped us stay or keep the habits that we had just created with working out every day.

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So this made us realize that our environment was really important in order to sustain those habits that we had just created.

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So we applied this to other areas.

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So, because I wanted to read more and start journaling or practice gratitude, I took that and I created a space for that as well.

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So I talk about this in.

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This is actually part of my Chi method when it comes to harmony and this is so that you can have a consistent and basically like a ritual for self-care, like a lot of these things are self-care and this is what really kind of maintains that peace that people want when it comes to creating a balance, or like the ultimate balance in their life.

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Now, like I said, I took this concept about creating an environment or creating the space for these new habits, and I started to apply them in different areas.

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I applied them to my business.

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I applied them to my business.

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I applied them to parenting.

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I applied them to how I interacted and connected with my husband.

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So you can take a lot of this and if you can create habits that are going to help you in your life, in one area of your life, you can just take those things that you learned and just apply them to another area of your life.

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You can just take those things that you learned and just apply them to another area of your life.

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So you know, this is like one of them.

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This is the environment piece, and I wanted to give that to you guys.

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So think about an area that you want to change in your life, or just think about maybe even one habit that you want to create.

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Make sure that you have that space that's going to be one, a constant reminder of that new habit that you want to create, and two, that it's actually going to support that new habit.

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So, as I started to do this in every area of my life, it started to shape a new life for me and my husband and my family.

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So this is basically starts from creating one habit, and then that'll be maybe even the domino that kind of like falls and creates this ripple effect in your life.

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Then you'll ultimately have kind of like this new life, right?

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So think about that today.

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Think about one habit that you can create and how or like what that environment can be that will support that new habit.

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All right.

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So I will let you think about that today.

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I hope you have a great rest of your day and I will see you next week.