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Sept. 27, 2023

Replay | How To Become Better With GOALS In 10 Minutes

Replay | How To Become Better With GOALS In 10 Minutes

#230 - Have you ever paused to consider what you could achieve if you weren't halted by any obstacles or barriers? This episode promises to help you unlock the power of goal-setting, a tool you can use to catapult yourself towards success, irrespective of the season.

This is a re-release of a previous episode, but it's a great time to bring this one back to the surface.  

I provide a user-friendly template for goal setting, perfect for any area of your life. I walk you through the process, emphasizing the need to be specific, set close deadlines for a sense of urgency, and frequently revisit your driving force or 'why' to stay motivated. This episode is your guide on how to efficiently design, monitor, and accomplish your goals. And guess what? We've got just the tool to help you get started - a goal planner! So tune in, join me on this goal-centered journey and start setting your goals today!

Goal Setting Template

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Speaker 1:

Hey, my name is Teresa Hildebrand and this is Organized Chaos. We take a deep dive into living with intentionality, focusing on what's important in our lives so we can truly feel our best. It may feel chaotic at times, but with a little organization, the right mindset and a ton of self-love, we can still thrive. Join me as we talk to other busy moms and experts who will share tips and strategies to help you reach your goals. Hope you enjoy this episode of Organized Chaos. Now on to the show. A Harvard Business study found that there's a direct correlation between goal-setting and success. It said that 14% of people who have goals are 10 times more successful than those who don't. So today we're going to tackle that. I'm going to talk to you about how we set goals, how we plan them out, and I'm going to get you excited again about setting goals. And it's not January 1st, I'm actually recording this in September, but that's the thing. It doesn't matter. When you set goals, you can have a goal-planning session anytime you want. I'm going to share a new mindset around goals that I learned that really pushed me to set big goals, and then I'm also going to talk about how you can create those goals. Write them all out and create a plan around them. But then I'm also going to ask you some questions that you can answer so that you can feel motivated and create urgency around those goals. So let's start with mindset. So this idea really kind of blew my mind, because it is the idea that goals are not meant to be reached. They're meant to stretch you. So basically, it's not about creating quote-unquote attainable goals, it's about becoming the person that can reach those goals. So, in other words, it's focused on growth, not necessarily the finish line. Another one is you never want to decrease your target. You always want to increase your actions. So, going back to setting that goal, you don't want to keep changing the goal or lowering your standard. You want to increase your performance. You want to increase the actions that you're taking so that the goal always stays the same. It's just you again focusing on growth, becoming the person that can achieve that goal. And I think my favorite one is don't set goals based on what you have. Set them based on what you want. The mentality about setting goals based on what you have just keeps you in a box. It doesn't let you envision something bigger, it doesn't let you think outside the box. It kind of keeps you stuck. So the idea that you set them based on what you want gives you more freedom to dream. Okay, let's go into the actual goal planning. So you have your sheet and I'm actually going to provide you with some templates on that. So, if you listen to the end, I will give you the instructions on how you can download a digital version of my planner so that you can write out your goals, write out your plan and have that all nice and pretty. So, obviously, step number one is write your goal. Now you want to be as specific as possible. You don't want to make it too vague, because it's going to be really hard to plan it all out. So be very specific. And you also want to set a date. You want to set a date that is closer than you're comfortable with, because that is going to create urgency. Now I want to talk a little bit more about urgency, because this is going to be your fuel. This is going to be the thing that is going to push you to create that big goal, but also to not procrastinate. So urgency what that does is it creates focus, because if you don't have a lot of time to do it. You need to be really focused. Focus, then, breeds creativity. You are going to have to come up with many different ways, thinking outside the box, on how you can move towards your goals. You don't have a lot of time. You have a lot of focus. You have to get creative and that's really exciting because you are going to find different opportunities, you are going to find different paths and it's going to create efficiency. So I'm not quite done with writing the goal. We're still on like step one, but bear with me, it's worth it. So you have your goal. You set a date for when you want to achieve that goal, but you also want to write down why this goal is important to you. Why do you want to get there? Why do you want to go through all this trouble to get to that specific goal? So really think about this one, because this is going to be your motivation. It's going to be your North Star to get to where you want to be. Now I want to challenge you and you may be thinking well, I really don't know what goal I want. I really don't know what I want. So I want to give you a question that you can ask yourself to help you with that. So the question is, if you could remove all obstacles, barriers, pain and heartache, what would you want to achieve? Now? This puts you in a completely different mindset. There's no obstacles, there's more room to dream. There is kind of like that voice that keeps you from achieving things or doing things, that those limiting beliefs. You push those aside and then you just think about what is it that you want, because there's nothing getting in your way. Now you may be thinking okay, I've done this before. I've had these really big goals that I've tried to work towards and I get unmotivated or they just fizzle out, or I just get overwhelmed. So now we're going to go into the actual planning. How are you going to achieve this? What are the steps that it takes to get to that goal? So the first thing you want to do is you want to break it up, because when we start dreaming big, we start getting creative, we start pushing those limiting beliefs aside. We tend to set these goals that we don't feel are actually realistic. Now what that does is it creates fear and it shuts us down and it just paralyzes us. But sometimes all you have to do is break it up into smaller pieces, smaller, more digestible pieces. So the next step is to create progress goals. So you want to have three progress goals. You want to make sure they're measurable. So these are going to be your milestones. So what are those three milestones you need to achieve so that you know you're going in the right track or you're at least staying on track? So now we're going to go into specific actions. Now these are daily actions and this is probably where people fall off or they just don't do it, and then they wonder why they don't reach their goals because they're not working on them every single day. You have to work on it every single day and you don't have to make huge progress. That's why we're breaking it down but you do have to do small actions every single day so that you can achieve that goal or get close to it, and you can also feel good that you're moving and that you're progressing. Now the way you create your daily actions or set these smaller tasks are based on your three progress goals. So you're going to go to progress goal number one and you're going to write down the three actions that are based on progress goal number one. So those are the daily actions you're gonna take for that particular progress goal, and then you're going to do this for a progress goal number two and progress goal number three. These are the most important tasks that you're going to do because you're going to do them every day. So the way you're going to make sure that you're doing them is by tracking them. So you're actually going to create a tracker based on these actions. So see how it's going. It's just breaking it down further and further until there are smaller actions that you'll be able to do every day. That's just going to compound and create that bigger goal for you, and you can use this for any goal that you have. It could be absolutely any goal. Actually, the templates that I'm going to be providing, I actually have that already set up. So we have a general goal, so it could be anything at all. And then I have finance, I have business, I have family, health, relationships, anything, because you can create a goal that has to do with any area of your life. So I'm going to give you an example here so you can see how this would look like in practice. Let's say you want to create a goal around your family, so your goal is spend at least three weekends of the month with my family. So let's say, you want to create a greater connection with your family, you want to spend more time with your family and you want to make this happen in three months. So in the template, there's a space for you to write down why this is important to you and it says the end result of this goal is very important to me to achieve because and maybe you can write down my spouse and kids are the most important humans on the planet and I want to bond with them and not regret not spending enough time with them. So this could look many different ways. So now we're going into the how. How are you going to achieve this? So you're going into the progress goals and the actions that you're going to take. So maybe this is going to require you to change positions or change a shift, change careers. So it it's going to be different for everybody, but this is how this would look like if you decided you were going to change positions. So your progress goals would be you create a new work schedule that will allow you to have those weekends off, communicate with your spouse. The goal that you have to create a better support and create a plan on what your weekends would look like if you had them off. So now we're going to go into the daily or smaller actions. So, based on goal number one of creating a new schedule, maybe that is looking for a new position or a new shift. So step number one is look for new position or a shift. Then maybe you want to update your resume and then make a list of people who would provide references for you. So those three things are related to progress goal number one. So then progress goal number two about communicating with your spouse. One step would be find time to talk to your spouse. Maybe you would do this daily or once or twice a week, so creating that time. And then you want to ask them, maybe for ideas on what you can do. You know two heads are better than one, so you want to communicate with your spouse and maybe ask them what ideas they have. Then maybe you also want to go over your finances. Like what is that going to look like if you change positions? Maybe you have to go into a position that pays you less. So that's something, a discussion, that you're going to want to have. So then, progress goal number based on progress goal number three. These are the steps. So progress goal number three was create a plan on what your weekends would look like if you had them off. So maybe you want to talk to your kids about your plan. Maybe you want to list the things you could do as a family, maybe get them excited about it what can you do as a family and then maybe create a fun tracker that involves your kids, so that way they can see that you're working on this goal that involves them and they can also keep you accountable. So that's it. That's how you create a plan for your goal. Like I said, you can create this for any area of your life. If you have this template, it's simple. It may take you just a few minutes to get it done and it's going to make a huge difference because you're actually going to have those small steps to do and it's not going to feel so overwhelming and so far fetched. Now, of course, if you have a much bigger goal, you can still use this. It's still a great template to use. You may need to go into a little bit more detail on the progress goals and the actions, but that's okay, because now you just have this structure so that you can move towards your goals. I hope that was helpful. I hope that you'll get excited now to create some goals, and it doesn't matter when it is in the here. You can create whatever goals you want and I hope that they excite you and that you move towards them. Now to get a copy of the goal planners, you can just go to their show notes and click on the link, or you can go to organizechaospodcastcom forward slash 24. I hope you have an amazing day and I'll see you next week.