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March 13, 2024

Ways to Create Content as a Mompreneur Without Spending All Day Doing It

Ways to Create Content as a Mompreneur Without Spending All Day Doing It

#262 - Struggling to create content that doesn't take up so much time and speaks directly to your audience? That's what we're here to tackle on today's episode of Organized Chaos. This is for those who feel their efforts in content crafting just aren't cutting through the noise and you want a way to maximize your time. But, I'm not just talking about time management, but how to truly make an impact with every post, video, or blog you put out there. By setting clear content objectives and understanding the heart of our audience, we can send out messages that resonate and stick - without spending all your time in create mode. 

Let's face it, none of us have time to waste, and the idea of spending less time while still producing quality content is a game-changer. I'll walk you through how to create a content strategy that aligns with your business goals and speaks directly to the challenges your audience faces. From selecting the right platforms to sharing your personal journey in a way that inspires and engages, this episode is packed with practical advice that can transform the way you approach content creation. Tune in, and let's turn that online chaos into a well-oiled machine that propels you and your business forward.

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Speaker 1:

Hey, my name is Teresa Hildebrand and this is Organized Chaos. We take a deep dive into living with intentionality, focusing on what's important in our lives so we can truly feel our best. It may feel chaotic at times, but with a little organization, the right mindset and a ton of self-love, we can still thrive. Join me as we talk to other busy moms and experts who will share tips and strategies to help you reach your goals. Hope you enjoy this episode of Organized Chaos. Now on to the show. Hey friends, welcome to this episode of Organized Chaos. So today I have something special for mom entrepreneurs who are really struggling with creating efficient content and not being able to maximize their time when it comes to their business and specifically with content, because I don't know about you, but I used to spend hours creating content and then only to have it fall flat when you post on social media. You put so much energy and effort into this and it really doesn't take you anywhere. So I want to give you some strategies so that, first off, you make the most out of your time but also actually create content that people want. So I found that I was spending a lot of time trying to create content around what looked good and I really wasn't focusing on, kind of like, the actual meat of it and I didn't know how to do that. So my first tip for you is really to dive into what it is that you are trying to convey. So it's really important in knowing, like your target audience and really setting clear content goals. So this is something where it's about understanding, like, what is the focus? What is it that you can share with people that is valuable? Who is your target audience? Right Like, who are you talking to? Because your message is going to resonate with a specific type of person. That all depends on what you share, your values and what it is that you can help people with. What are some of the challenges that you've gone through and overcome and what is the goal of your content? Do you want to entertain? Do you want to educate? Do you want to offer a service? All of this needs to be established so that way, you have some direction, you have a template that you can follow. That way, your message is always cohesive and you're not switching from one thing to another and confusing your audience, and all of this saves you so much time because you don't have to think about what it is that you need to post. You already have some direction, you know what your message is, you know who you're talking to. So all of this creates more time for you, because you're not wasting so much time trying to think about what it is that you need to create and not knowing what to do, who you're talking to or anything like that. So, for example, if I had created this podcast and I didn't know what my goal was, I didn't know really what my message was and there wasn't a specific person or niche that I was going to be focusing on, this would be a mess. Like Nobody would listen to it because there really isn't any direction. Of course, there are other podcasts out there that are, you know, kind of very broad, but there's still always this underlying message or an underlying topic, and that's why people tune in, because it's consistent and because it's specific. So the same goes for creating content. You can't just like Talk about like a million different things and just post whatever you want. I guess you can do that. You can do that for a certain period of time until you figure out a Specific topic or the specific values that you're going to be sharing. So it works for a period of time, but it's not a long-term solution. So, if I haven't said this enough, it's really important to have some type of content goals and once you have that, we go on to the next tip, which is batching and repurposing content. So this comes up on some of my coaching sessions, where this is a struggle for mom entrepreneurs because they Can't find a time to really sit down and create this content. Now, if they have some direction, like we talked about as far as your content goals, then it becomes a little bit easier. But having a Time frame where you can actually create multiple forms of content is a big time saver and this is something that you'll be able to have like kind of like in your catalog. And then we move into repurposing that content, because you can have a, let's say, a podcast episode that you can actually create a post on, and then that post can actually become a story and and some of these things you can even create in longer forms of content like Blogs or even just like a video or something like that. So it's really maximizing your time because instead of spreading it out or doing it in like really small pieces, you Batch it and to create multiple forms and then you can have a way to put them in different Platforms, right? So let's say you don't have a podcast. Let's say you just create a post, and you know some of us are pretty long-winded and will create a really long post. Well, some of that you could even expand on and create a blog, or you can actually even create a video, and there's a lot of different ways that you can repurpose this content, and I'll go into it a little bit later. But it's just about thinking in batches in okay, if I'm creating this content, how else can I use this? What other platforms can I create or what's something else that I can create with some of this information? That'll save me time in the long run. This may be something that is overwhelming for some of us, but think about how you can actually create content for an entire month. I know people that do this all the time, and it doesn't have to be so overly complicated. It can seem overwhelming like oh my god, how am I gonna create a month's worth of social media? But if you don't post as often, like, for example, me, I only post to twice A week in my social media. So, for example, my Instagram, I only have two posts a week. Two posts a week 16 to 18 Whether you know, if it's a five week month, pieces of content for the month, which is not too bad, especially if you have the those goals right and maybe you theme the weeks or you theme the month. It becomes so much more manageable that way. And let's say, you become super efficient at creating content and you sit down on one day and bust out with 16 to 18 pieces of content. How much time would that save you for the month? Like how much extra time would you have to either work on other parts of your business or have free time or spend time with your family? Well, what would that do for you? And one thing I haven't really talked about when it comes to repurposing your content is that it gives you the ability to expand your reach, because now, instead of just creating a post on Instagram or just creating a post on Facebook, now you have a lot of different forms, and the more platforms that you can put your content on, the more reach you'll have, but you also won't be spending so much time doing that. So then you can actually focus on creating different types of content to reach more people. So it's kind of a win-win. But I do have to say that that is just an option. I would not recommend creating content for so many different platforms because that will just add on to the amount of time you're spending creating content. So really kind of focus on a couple and go all in with those. So my next tip is for those who already have had customers or clients and they've gotten some feedback from those clients testimonials, reviews you can share that as content as well. In fact, this is such a great way to provide value but also gain some credibility. You can tell people what you can do for them and how amazing you are. But if they hear it from other people, that really shows authenticity because they'll be thinking, okay, well, she's a real deal, because she actually has people that she's helped and they said really great things about her. And if you don't want to ask people for testimonials, you could also ask them to tag you. So let's say that they decided that they were going to implement one of your tips or one of the things that you help them with, or they want to share their success. If you have them, tag you. That will also give you the ability to share that to your audience, and it's just a really great way to build community and trust. Okay, so let's move along here and talk about my next tip, which is streamlining your visual content creation. So there are a lot of different tools and apps for creating, like this, visually appealing content super quickly. One of my all-time favorites is Canva. Now, I do have to say that Canva is amazing. However, it could be a time suck if you let it. So I would advise to use caution when you're diving into Canva. Some people have just discovered Canva I don't know how that's possible, but they're like oh my God, it's amazing, but they've spent hours because they're just like oh, this is so nice and there's so many templates and you're kind of like gets your creative juices going, but it can also use up a lot of your time. So if you're gonna use Canva for creating graphics and things like that, I would say that you just need to put a timeframe on that. But one thing I do have to say is that it can really help you with, like, your brand and brand consistency, because there are actual kits brand kits that you can create in Canva. So if you go through the trouble of creating, like, a color palette or some type of templates that you wanna use because it kind of like fits your brand, you can actually put that into Canva. So as you're creating content, it's always gonna be consistent because you're gonna be following that template. So that's a really great way to be able to use Canva in an efficient way, especially once you start to have people that help you. You know you're outsourcing things. You can add them onto your Canva so that way everybody's kind of like on the same page. Which leads me to my next tip, and that is automation and outsourcing. This is another option for you. If you want to save time, you can actually give it to someone else to do so. There's specific content that you can have other people create, so that way you can save that time to do other things. And when it comes to automation, there's a lot of different things that you can use where, if you have the content already created, you can actually schedule it in advance. I do this for my post, I do it for sometimes for my stories, if I'm not like just posting like family stuff or just personal stuff. If I actually have specific content that focuses on my particular topics that I talk about, then I schedule them, because if I'm batching content, I want to make sure that I have a way to, you know, set it and forget it. I don't know what was that commercial, that was a infomercial, I remember in the 90s. But anyway, so you have something that can automate the process of posting so you don't have to worry about it. So you can use posting schedulers. There's so many of them like lately, and you could even, you know, if you have a Facebook business page and you have access to the meta business suite, you can actually, you know, put your content there because they have a planner and you can even look at kind of your stats and also, when you post like, so you can kind of see, okay, well, what's working, what's not working. So that will actually inform you more and give you some analytics that'll help you determine, you know, what people really like and what people don't like. So that way you don't create more content that people don't like and that'll save you lots of time. Okay, so that was a lot, but I want to just recap what we just talked about. So, most importantly, you want to understand your audience and know what your goals are for your content. Then you want to batch and repurpose your content to save you a ton of time. You also want to use actual content from other people, so if they're, you have a testimonial, reviews, whatever you want to be able to share that as content as well. And then you also want to streamline your visual content creation, so using apps like Canva or anything that will save you time so that you can actually create things in a more efficient way. And then, finally, outsourcing and automation to save you lots more time, so you don't have to deal with the headache of always creating things yourself. So I hope those tips were helpful, and I would love to know if you have any other tips for creating content. So the way that you can reach me is by social media. My handle is at Teresa Hildebrand, underscore coaching, and you can find me on Instagram and Facebook. Or you can just go to my website, organize chaos, podcastcom, and you can send me a voice message, or just go to my contact page and send me a message that way. But I would just love to hear from you. Maybe you have some really great tips on how you can be more efficient with your content creation. All right, that is all I have for you today. Thank you so much for tuning in, and I really look forward to the next episodes, because I actually have some guests coming in talking about a lot of different topics that I think you'll really love. So stay tuned for those, and I hope you have an amazing day. I'll see you next week. Bye.